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David Axon

Dawdling Downtown

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

I met up with my camera pal Kim Parks on April 10 2023 for a very enjoyable dawdle around town. At our age that is the best we can do!

This first image is another I share to learn from. It could have been a great image, but I was too far from the subject with the lens I was using. You can see from the settings that I could have used manual mode to get a slower shutter speed to get more light. The second image of the same shot shows a slight improvement in detail from post editing but still not good at all- far too much grain.

f/5.6, 1/1600 sec, ISO 200, 53mm AV mode

The next image is a demonstration that just getting out there can lead to some totally unexpected and reqarding photographic possibilities. Kim and I had just had a look around the Chinese Canadian Museum in Fan Tan Alley. As we came out, literally across the narrow alley was a professional photoshoot. With a real life model an'all! So I stepped to one side and snapped away! Here is just one of the many images I took. Later , as we were having coffee who should walk in but the model and the photography crew. We told her we were beginners and had taken some shots. I wish now I had spoken to the crew and offered to send them my images as they were at a different angle to theirs. Too shy this time though!

f/5.6, 1/20 sec, ISO 200, 51mm, AV mode

Still in Fan Tan Alley, I just love the colours of this shot:

f/5.6, 1/30 sec, ISO 200, 51mm AV mode

I like the sentiment expressed here!:

f/5.6,1/125sec, ISO 200, 51mm AV mode

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