I had a lovely saunter around my home town of Brentwood Bay , Vancouver Island BC (W̱JOȽEȽP) (xʷč̕áɬəɬp) with my photography friend Kim Park. I was disappointed that I took this over exposed image:
This was because the aperture at f3.2 was letting in a lot of light, and the shutter speed was relatively slow at 1/100 sec. I was in manual mode of course which explains a lot!
So for this next shot I stopped down the aperture to f/10, and this is the difference. All other settings are the same:
If anything it could do with being brightened up a tad in Photoshop X but it is a much better image. I am enjoying learning from my mistakes but of course the goal is to eliminate them and be able to focus more on managing light and composition!
Next weeks blog will focus on night photography!