In keeping with my intention to show images that did not work, and hopefully figure out why, it is with some trepidation I offer the following examples. Things can only get better!
f/4.5, 1/1600 sec, ISO 200, 36 mm EC + 0.7 stop, SV
S My nemesis , the infernal shutter speed is at 1/1600. I was using shutter priority. I should have put this much lower, at say 1/250 or even 1/500. The camera is setting the aperture at 4.5, and the ISO at 200 to ty to get as much light as possible. It failed.The Exposure Compensation I set at +0.7 is not necessary.
f.14, 1/1000 sec, ISO 200, 32mm manual mode
You thought it could not get any worse? Look again. It is not clear why I put the aperture at f.14, and combined with a fast shutter speed the result was inevitable. Except to me apparently. I was trying a clever shot through a gate with a very dark hedge either side. Back to watching more You Tube videos on shutter speed I guess!
f/11,1/100sec, ISO 200, 280 mm, manual mode
I can over expose with the best of them! If you look really, really hard you can see it is an attempt at a landscape shot. It was a hazy day, but that does not account for this monstosity. I think I needed to set the Exposure Compensation down at least one stop. at least there is hope in rescuing it in photoscape X that way. I set the f stop at f11 because I thought that would give me a sharper depth of field. ISO could have been set at 100.
f8,1/1250 sec, ISO 100, 55 mm, manual mode
Last one , I promise. I have not achieved a very good focus. I am shooting from the shade into light, and set the shutter speed fast to capture movement. i think perhaps I could have bumped the ISO to 200, and a smaller aperture setting, say f.11. In post I could have brightened the shadows and maybe even reduce the highlights a little to get more contrast.
I am determined in the next 6 months to try to reduce these errors. Managing light is the hardest but most important aspect of photography, along with composition, and I am going to concentrate on that.