One of my favourite hikes is in Lau,WelNew (John Dean Park), in Central Saanich. It is a steep and good work out to the Radio Tower. I decided to use the spinning antenna as my photographic subject, to practice freezing a moving object and get a clear image.
f/10, 1/1000sec, ISO 200,75 mm, manual mode
I was able to get the moving antenna but the
photograph is underexposed
f/5,1/1250,ISO 200, 95mm,SV
I decided to use shutter priority mode, as
my aim was to get the clearest image of
the moving antenna. I set the shutter
speed to 1/1250. This one's better.
f/14, 1/250,ISO 200, 105mm, AV mode. I
reverted to aperture priority, and set it high
at f/14 as I wanted to get a clear image. I note
the camera set the shutter speed to 1/250 to
f/10,1, 1/2000 sec, ISO 100, 100mm manual
mode. Oh dear. I should have learnt that if I
have a fast shutter speed, the aperture needs
to be wide to allow in more light. This aperture
is much too narrow. Should be about f.4-5.6