18 November 2022 Mount Tolmie , Victoria BC
I decided to take some landscape shots from a high vantage point. At this stage I am still not very knowledgeable about what lens to use and when. I also aimed to spend less time in manual mode, having taken the advice of numerous more experienced people online. I notice now I am in aperture mode for all these shots except the first one.
f/9, 1/250, ISO 100, 18mm, Landscape mode. Using the kit lens 18-55 mm for this and the next 4 images. Clearly I have not focussed properly, I assumed landscape mode would do this for me. I now know I’m in charge of zooming in or zooming out.
f/13, 1/320 sec, ISO 100, 18mm. A terrible shot really,rusty railing, refuse bin in the corner, and background out of focus. Dire!
f/13, 1/320 sec, ISO 100, 30mm. So the settings are the same as the previous shot, except the focal length is now 30mm, and there is a marked improvement. Still have the rusty railing though! I wonder if the f stop is too high?
f/13, 1/400 sec , ISO 100, 18mm. I think my intention in having the f stop at f/13 is to get a sharp image throughout Depth of Field.
f/11, 1/320 sec, ISO 100, 18mm.This is slightly sharper again, brighter, with the f stop down to f/ 11
f/16, 1/1250sec, ISO 100,105 mm. Using the Canon 75-300 lens for this and the next image. I have gone up to f/ 16, I think I am losing my concentration a bit here, the foreground is very dark, and the foliage dominates the frame. I think I am just wanting to "see what happens" when I go up to f/16 on Aperture Priority mode. Now I know!
f/16, 1/100 sec, ISO 100, 105 mm. Reduced the shutter speed and gain slight improvement in sharpness, and get more of the sea in the background. Sloping sea is not a good sign!